you are crushed and you are dazed
over the wheel
of your new car
and you think how fast
these bones forget
their shapes
how fast a turn
becomes a stray arrow
in a tree’s bark
it’s not done you tell yourself
no white light rushing behind your lids
no black cloak in the rearview
but the blinking light from the dashboard grows larger and it grows louder
until you are inside a glowing cloud of yellow
you see all the people you know
they hold their yellow heads
they pull their lemon-rot teeth
they dig through yellow rooms but can’t find any part of you
they peer under the bed
they rip through the dresser
an entire closet pours open with yellow
your mother turns yellow
amazing grace plays on piano backwards
around your mother they hold their yellow hands out empty in a circle
it’s all we could find they say
bury him with these.