James Shea




The horse rode itself

too damn fast into


a low-hanging branch.

Backing up meant


the same as remaining,

so the horse rode


the wind away, expenditure

of air, stretching past


the end of itself,

deep into the win.

The Second Comedian





It’s humid; “it” being the weather now.

But no, it’s cool because of the window

and the late rain outside, the colder air

being inside where it’s not humid, today.


Box of sleep.



’Times I can feel my own stupidity.





He sent me a letter in which multiple

disappointments were spelled out correctly.

All his guests were dismissed as people

who merely did not want to be alone.


Knowing that I will never see that man

ever again kind of messes with my head.

I don’t believe in syllables as debris.

There’s an old saying: there’s an old saying.


James Shea

JAMES SHEA is the author of Star in the Eye (Fence Books) and the chapbook Air and Water Show (Convulsive Editions). His second collection, The Lost Novel, is forthcoming from Fence Books.