Three Poems from THE BRIDGE
to persist through sleep
we hunker forth
vibrate across
the skeletal harp,
rib cage, folded hands,
squat atlas spanned
across the gun-grey
river rocks
into an island
wild with giant
gun-grey trees
we and the grey
persistent trees
leap forth
on the outskirts
of the morning
fog steel sky
the auditory
we’re all picked
flowers nodding
our slender necks
in all directions
because the clouds
diffuse the light
like a silk stocking
makes the lens bigger
make it smaller
and the room inverts
it’s possible to be still
between fits of sleep
and in the hour
after the alarm
when the light
sprays in
like a far away wave
on the outskirts
of morning
and so
we bravely go
upward again
into the day
boats shooting forth
their foam
small cars
and smaller people
born for this
repetitive day
we forge
our difference
from the way
we on the subway
stand in testament
to everything
being okay
all still
a frozen piece
of day
if we all had
a louder instrument
to play
then we could know
who had more days
to bravely go