Pinwheel publishes three issues of poetry, artwork, and photography per year. Our issues include poets at various stages of their writing careers, and we do not subscribe to one creative aesthetic over another. If one is so inclined, one can like Pinwheel on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.
We proudly nominate poems for Best of the Net, The Pushcart Prize, and Bettering American Poetry.
Pinwheel was founded by Stephen Danos and Dolly Lemke.
Due to constraints, we will not be accepting unsolicited submissions for the year 2021. While we’re taking a short breather from open submissions, we’re still committed to brining you great work. Be on the lookout for new issues this year. We’ll update you all when open submissions are back online!
Here at Pinwheel, we request First North American Serial Rights, as well as acknowledgment in all subsequent publications of poems we publish. Naturally, all rights revert to the author upon either the refusal of those terms or the publication of poems in Pinwheel. We promise to keep every poem we publish alive in our Archive, pending the apocalypse.

ISSN: 2326-8042