
A. H. JERRIOD AVANT is from Longtown, Mississippi. A graduate of Jackson State University, he recieved M.F.A. degrees from Spalding University and New York University, where he was a Writer in the Public Schools Fellow. A graduate of the Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop at Brown University, Jerriod’s poems and/or photographs have appeared in the Mississippi Review, H_NGM_N, PLUCK!, Print Oriented Bastards, The Louisville Review, Boston Review, Callaloo, Lumberyard and other journals. He serves as Photography Editor and a Poetry Editor for Kinfolks: a journal of black expression. Jerriod is the recipient of two Pushcart nominations, a finalist for the 2015 Mississippi Review Prize, recipient of the Joseph F. McCrindle Online Editorial Fellowship from Poets & Writers, a 2015 Vermont Studio Center residency and a 2015-2016 Provincetown Fine Arts Work Fellowship.