Poem Under Wear
I was doing all the laundry in the tub.
Weeks passed and I couldn’t squeeze anything else out.
Here’s how I wore my underwear: inside out. Rewound. Reversed.
Here’s how she wore her underwear: without.
What is there left to say.
We chafed.
I cooked our meals naked.
Better the oil splatter my skin than my clothes.
Sexiness was anything not a thong.
Sexiness was on a screen.
When I was sad, I watched Rihanna be herself.
Her little laugh.
Her little pointy sunglasses.
Her monochromatic outfits.
After a knife sharpener, the last thing she bought for me was Rihanna’s underwear.
Full-bottom or cheeky.
Crotchless but not assless.
I grew fearless.
I grew an ass.
I looked so beautiful it made her cry.
After things ended, I regretted nothing.
Except I wanted what she had given me.
Lace, spandex, stretch, carefully selected
an Asian pear is like a pear
except more crisp in texture
is like an apple except
brighter, flesh alive
against my teeth. an Asian pear is
never a metaphor.
always a hybrid. I learn
you are what you eat,
and I learn
people don’t want to eat
anything that reminds them
of the body. the body
is like a pear
or like an apple
except brighter, flesh alive
against my teeth. she says
your body is like soup
because it warms
my hands. I like that
because I believe my body
takes new shape
depending on who is holding.
not like anything else
in her hands, I am a body
spilling out of itself.