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Liking your things
was a reminder that I’m still here
it was never about the succulent you saw
or exotic scone you ate
I couldn’t call you
nobody calls anybody they kind of know
but what if every time
I liked your things I called you instead
to say, hey, I like that rainbow mountain with the Jesus quotes
the one that promises salvation
or when you saw your aunt and her illegal bird
in a warm tropical world with an esoteric hashtag
that signaled
you were coming back home from another home
There’s too much to know
what to like about you
Just whatever circumnavigates
in a whir pool timeline of attention war
like the Salton Sea
Another time you were on a ferry on Lake Ashi
with so many school children
there was no hashtag for that
just tiny pastel hats and legs and happiness against the fog
likable because you weren’t there
and where’ve you been since the Sunday before last
Kill all filtered popularites
Two Star Resort
Something about the 5″ X 9″ blue and white oval floaties
resting like rosary beads in the swimming pool
was basically my dad. Only I can know things
that are basically my dad.
When we floated in the pool
was basically once my dad
Chlorine kills bad things, you said,
that’s why pools are
meant to be shared to be public
My dad is basically public
accessible in the things everyone uses around here
at this twostar resort
except for maybe the shuffle board
which aren’t really a thing in the Philippines
just all kinds of Virgin Marys and Holy Ghosts
And we are basically inside of everything
and my dad is the interior and exterior
So what do these things matter
except for this holy water we are swimming in
and round light projecting
an unidentifiable hue of blue
We run as fast as we can until we tire
& in this screen is a kind of karaoke
where my dad returns to pray
where I can hear him loud and bright

FELIZ LUCIA MOLINA was born and raised in San Fernando Valley, CA. Her books include Undercastle (Magic Helicopter Press, 2013), and the collective epistolary novel, The Wes Letters (co-authored with Ben Segal and Brett Zehner, Outpost19, 2014). Her chapbook, Crystal Marys, is forthcoming from Scary Topiary Press and book of generative poems, Roulette, is forthcoming from Make Now Books in 2016. Her writing appears in Jacket2, The Volta, Gauss PDF, among others. Feliz lives in a well cared for feral cat colony in Hollywood and frequents the pink desert skies in Landers, CA.