Waste & Want
These chickens are easy
to forget. They peck
the feeder clean.
I’ve tried so many ways
to save things. Children
starve as I clear
the refrigerator of near-spoil.
Something about chicken feed
makes me uneasy: efficient
little pellets, extruded, consistent,
complete. The cat bats
flies puzzling the window,
does not eat them.
Hens have a habit
of pecking through grains
to get what they want.
The cat wants the kill.
I want these shelves
so stark they shine.

KATHYRN SMITH is the author of Book of Exodus (Scablands Books, 2017). Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, Duende, The Boiler Journal, Redivider, Laurel Review and The Collagist. She is a graduate of the MFA program at Eastern Washington University and the recipient of a grant from the Spokane Arts Fund. Find her online at kathrynsmithpoetry.com.