Fear of Drowning
Like stray thread, then the thousand blankets
done & streaming a river, this sky that lets down
her hair, her cats & dogs, gophers & geraniums,
cohorts all & to what do I owe leisure of my open ear
paired with the cloud unhinged & the drum
rolling out a thunderstorm. I’m stranger in town
having drunk like a fish, eaten like a bear, once more
slurred like I’ve an inkling toward delight &,
somehow, alive this side of morning. Last night
my ten curious toes afloat in a pool, I forgot
how much I want to sink to that very bottom
& stay, how the prints left over the tile & into bed
remind me of saplings planted single file, even
how they grow into fine things before falling,
expelled. If life ended now how do I, how dare I
complain for my lot, from the yonder curb
stealing the pinecone larger than any known fist,
tossing it back with luggage & the thought, Maybe
my daughter can love this. As I can’t steer the erratic,
ongoing mind, through fields in other seasons
yielding corn & swollen in the wind our bodies trail,
I want to know who fills the shadow, who the lake
withholding the glow of miles dividing me
& so many friends. If a life shutters, if it dreams
new names for the overcast eye, then onward
dollars drinking & me still believing it good
choosing how we abandon this world, leave music
alive & greet the recent dead. In the given day
you try finding a thing or two worth stopping for
& do, despite the holes punched in a billboard
master what invented primrose resides. This is life,
illegible & tattered, tempting the book closed
once guessing its end. In a straight line anyway,
I neglect the umbrella & its faultless curve,
its dripping, blossom shine & where to go next
after falling on a single, hopeful note long as I can.
Let's Go Shoot A Hole in the Moon
What must it be from the beginning
tempted, back porch drinking or caught
like a scarf, cotton smile of the dress
fevered in the car door passing homes
bent & sometimes snapped, past If not
his mother’s pills (oh yes my father
terribly three) then what watery shapes
shifting out his eyes. Each & all still,
somebody shaken, retuned, crisscrossing
fence lines dumbstruck, faces fonder
& piled under trees both walnut, cherry.
Be at rest & quit the bygone self, who
believed a fuse hung porcelain moons,
waxing sky. Must’ve been my growling
shouldered there, what stubbornness
stroking down the shore, now crawled,
now souvenir reading Be calm & carry on
or Live the life you love. Odd passage
making out a decade alive, even autumn
no more tugging the one-horse mind
who gleaned darkness, obvious direction
another him (my father & then me)
turning tipsy home. Among the apples
certain bruising, tattered web so fleeted
it’s mine & mine alone, yes, dizzy
chasing an idea with leaves & into them
be the muted ending earned, final,
mere acquaintance that rippling black
lakeside, mosquitos knuckling the moon
all grim. The moon, mellow citizen,
spins its singular demeanor over brows
up in their rowing, others from fires
swollen or street-lit or beginning Once
upon a time. If instead a fuse hangs there
then surely similar feelings of abundant
October lapsing, the various in which
I owned every twig, overheard ballgames
blown past the many curtains. Rest,
no more sifting old truth from a priest
& atheist walking in bars, the difference
between a schoolboy & everything else
when the cloudy sight sets hamstrung,
spelling it no other way. It happens
stuttered dusk continues its cool descent
beyond the couple kissing, & the moon,
oh yes, its attention devout, gorgeous,
never void by the well-aimed stone,
round & beyond what breath must be
caught after a dozen millennia, like
no air. Where my son’s howling arrives
then outside let us go, look left now
& route a child’s parade, look up alive
before the waning brilliance expires
buh-bye. & later to know we’ve shared
such things as I love you, You are not
alone, Go to sleep, No need to be afraid.

MICHAEL ROBINS is the author of three collections of poetry, most recently In Memory of Brilliance & Value (Saturnalia Books, 2015). He teaches literature and creative writing at Columbia College Chicago. For more information, visit www.michaelrobins.org