I’m in awe.
I may have
the facts
The gist
of it is,
that for twenty-five years
I was an adolescent.
I didn’t know it
but I was.
I didn’t know it
but I was
a labyrinth,
a circuitous thing.
I do not know
where I’m going.
I have a scrap of
mysterious process
and a purpose.
I can practically quote it
verbatim. Well, basically,
only three things:
we’re just specks,
it’s your job to carry on,
it’s like window shopping.
I’m very literal.
Quite literal.
I peel
an orange. I mean,
an orange.
It’s about the most
amazing experience
on earth.

NATHAN KEMP’s forthcoming chapbook, Gnomic Verse, won the 2014 Dream Horse Press Poetry Chapbook Prize. His work appears in Columbia Poetry Review, Paper Darts, Cream City Review, and Hobart, among others. He is a contributing poetry editor for Barn Owl Review. He lives in Denver, Colorado.