How It’s All a Little Silly but Important
Being interested in poetry is like being
interested in show cattle.
Being interested in show cattle is like being
interested in birds. People,
it's all the same bag that we pick from.
I know of people who believe in ideas
of supremacy.
But I love show cattle without knowing
anything about them.
I had a student who wrote a paper
about them once and it was great. I gave
her an A.
Poetry is a sort of 4-H.
Do you have interests? It's likely
they're a sort of 4-H, too.
Terrific New Records
My brother and his family
are here tonight
and no doubt photos may
follow, but it's good
to have a brother and family
and it's good
for me
to have kids and have
kids play with my kids
and act like a kid.
As a kid I had my
brother and he chased me
on hockey skates.
What about humans?
That's what I'm talking
about. The way
a robot-free future
sounds on the phonograph.

PETER DAVIS’ books of poetry are Hitler’s Mustache, Poetry! Poetry! Poetry! and TINA. He lives in Muncie, Indiana with his sweet wife and children and teaches at Ball State University. More info at