it’s been about ten years since it all happened
i text my friend one night recently
you don’t have to answer this
/ we can talk more about it later
but did you ever pray there?
we usually say there instead of naming it
unless we’re making fun of the name but
even then there’s always a slight
pause before the utterance
like saying it will make it appear
will send us back
beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice
i―v— i―v— i―v—
anyway i thought about prayer
because i was having this vision of myself
many of my memories feel invasive like visions
uncontrollable / consuming / vibratory
when i replay them in my head it’s like watching
the footage from two cameras facing each other
one lodged deep inside my skull peering out through an eye
one as high & vast as the ceiling or sun
i’d earned the privilege of being outside alone for 30 minutes
i was wearing a red shirt & sitting in a cracked birdbath
at the edge of a field & i looked out at the fence & the crispy grass
then i watched a line of other kids filing from the dining hall back to their unit
staff flanking the front & back of the line to ensure no one went awol
i thought about when e— tried to run & was tackled immediately
how we filed by her imprint in the snow for weeks
how she was confined to the unit
how we found that fluffy grey cat
frozen behind the shed
how i missed my cats at home
how i missed being able to write
something no one would ever read
being able to speak
i said a word out loud
i don’t know which one
god maybe or fuck
i said it quietly
like there was a moth sleeping in the back of my mouth
that i was trying not to disturb
my voice sounded strange
like it was coming from outside me
i hadn’t been alone in a long time
i didn’t know what to do
so i prayed
quietly at first but then louder
louder until i was screaming & i could be
as loud as i wanted & no one was there to stop me
from talking to myself or to god or to
the three birds circling overhead
my skin began to brighten
my eyes turned to diamonds & tumbled to the ground
streams of opalescent glitter spurted from my head
the plants around me tripled in size & flowered immediately
even the grass was exploding with huge shining blossoms
i was radiant & i felt lighter
i felt like light itself
with each breath i took i flew higher & higher
then the alarm on my watch started beeping
& i shrank to the size of an olive
i ran back to the unit
before staff sent someone out to find me

salvation burnette is a writer and artist living in boston. find more work at