Last Love Poem # 9
If you stick around long enough
You find love
Is a victim
Of circumstance.
How romantic.
You’re around.
I suppose you’ll do.
Of course humans have more
Than five senses:
Balance, Temperature, Acceleration, A tolerance for pain.
& there you are
always strangling rodents in my hair.
& there am i
Small mattress in the mouth
of an owl, an acceptable meat.
Unclear weather.
Predatory bird, you took
My leather hood
How a sad woman
Takes to water.
Broth made from the bones
Of tame animals.
For those who never die
What’s it like
To keep eating
The dead names
Of those you love?
I’ve only had one
& he’s become the wound
I worship, he is still
Turning his feathered head
In the ground.
If you live long enough
Your bound
To repeat… or no,
That’s enough
Just there
If you live.
You’re bound.

sam sax is the author of bury it forthcoming from Wesleyan University Press 2017. He’s received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Bread Loaf, & The Michener Center for Writers where he served as the Editor-in-chief of Bat City Review. He’s the two time Bay Area Grand Slam Champion & the author of four chapbooks. His poems are forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, + other journals + he’s most recently the winner of the 2016 Iowa Review Award.