dip a communion wafer in chef boyardee
paint one fingernail blue &
blame it on the slapping of the screen door
take a twenty in exchange for
a cold bath with a red faced man
a crowd of praise for your borrowed t shirt
fall down when the threaded hands tell your back they’re ready
they’ve got you
limp your torso into their hot god hands
turn on your side
make your face a blank bliss they’ll bless and walk away from
walk away from it
get back to the darkness
your nose to a pew
breathing the vintage stain
your fingers following black maps in blue hymnals
your butt against a velvet stool
your mother’s voice in tongues
let two white wasps
fly capable to your chest
and give the signal

ANN WARD is a writer, editor and teacher. Her work has appeared most recently in No Tokens, This Magazine, Minola Review, Powder Keg, and Washington Square Review. Originally from Kingston, Ontario, Ann has an MFA in Fiction from UMass Amherst and teaches at Bard Microcollege Holyoke, a college for women whose education has been interrupted by pregnancy, parenting, and systemic issues.