Earth Wedging Light
This is the caesura
Wherecoasts, I miss
Yr turns: in
Hyperborean sleep
Chambers forms
The cell:
My pentacostal
The spread:
Tossed fires,
Spent petals to
Loose: petals
Swift tissues
Chrysalips re
Store what
The poem would
Close on
My sea
-born fractured
& trails
light winds
yr after
image &
I keep
At waves,
The band
Shell replays
& pry new
to touch
itself, only
green in
Satellites, if you can come back
to the ellipse
you lapse in the panoply
of forms, words’
the brittleness green / fingers that tear
threads the roof / warped
b/t stations of form &
a content engenders
my grandmothers: in
side the harmonices—
angels that pull up
the forms-stations b/t
the light crease in
a hand palms frond
and jute weather boxes
that we make
trains, noise contours / of evocation
thrash parades: at last
confetti ultimatums
out lines the world
delimited an other
pass at time hands
pass them away
my deserts grown uncome
ly: husking thru
yr strange rays I keep
catching in to
flares at the pauses
breaks in – the feet
caryatid collapsing
structures a long shore
man architects
to himself: a glass
or the window when he
dyes the embroidered
turn the phrase in
to talons? We can’t
equivocate w the
impartial fury of
nebulas: that its voice
constellate on & on
a spindle needleseye
we weave & in
graft signs
my semiotics re
current & waves we
unsea being consciously
in descent of the draft
sign dislocates
my loyalty to forms
brambles thru, w/ these
mermaids: birdbeak
violence dips: its shoulder
a canvassed world
the sensorium pivots to
reclaim its oceanchord
we relict
our barrens
to recreate
in the clay instant
uncome in
bells, & clanging down
my ladders
& the involutes
Endless when we
Crane in to fuse
Stamen stay
Yr verses
Cowboys & the thresh
Holds the chaff
They elapse
An outgoing sign
Commandantes the west
Wetworlds I release
To a face
Not a fixture / we can
Or I go away
As threatbirds: homing
The seas insolvent
And mutating on
A vocable – light
Or the lower ranges
Where cattle prey
Birds we break their
& no one is
At home on the stage
Of referents we
Disband the nomen
-Clature rock shifts
& the hill
Locks– we valley away
IV. I’ll have to
Lose the immanence
Of contents stumbled
Again we scrap
Heaps & love
I just inter / the limb?
Disjointed: a method
Of speaking into
Ligature – it
Flexs yr postulate
Back upon: the specular
Grounds a noise
We chain
Link w/ bars
I can not but
Submerge / I can
Not, but there
Last glances out
Side the gate:
Exteriors a carousel
& a fence scaffolds
Further & the garden
Drops behind yr green
Meteors recede – in
To resurrection:
I hulled
Meat – bodybags is not / plow
Blades that plow bodies: epokhed
& we trundle w/ the
Blanks in the
Line dance, I careen
Into you—canyons? blood
What surfaces is
The machine
The thresher locked
In / to its throat
& choking on
Sound, it re
I curve to
Bramble in
Tangle them
Ponyshybowedinthe:lyre, reins
Meteors we un
Furl cords to / depart
VI. okeanos it
Waves relentless
So, I gesticulate
To retrieve my
Self – in the knot
-World climbs down
Making / unmaking
& dominion: a range
The frontier is
Anger: I thrash
Back words
Throne semiotic::handlesomatic
Much fissure in
Crease the lids
Rims lapped blue
Ourselves? Undid
The deer is
Blue terrestrial
rivers I transgress
The recurrency fluted
Wings nestled / the spine
Disfinger them
Colonnades horse is
VII. Broke-in
My arcades the last
Dance I tumble
True to position
Figures it fissures
Itself out
Side rain slants
The rest remains / itself
Limbs you endjamb
The open: ends
& horsing
words, I act out
The Mountain ends
Mise en scene
Green throes down
Plains, I shrug w/
These: mt.s
babyteeth: & ridges
w/ Horses, I ride
Them again
IX. voweloosened
satellites, in gods
arc we
intersect chains we
come down
X. as earth quarries to it / self
deer & we over
turn to minerals

JESSICA BAER received their BA in Creative Writing from Georgia State University in 2011. They love Chicago. Their work has been featured in Bone Bouquet, Fruita Pulp, Horse Less Review, DELUGE, Prelude Mag, The Boiler Journal, Alien Mouth, HOUND, and LEVELER. They have a future chapbook with Magic Helicopter Press called Holodeck One (2017) . They have a lifetime ban from Whole Foods and also love horses.